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SEO & redirect
2024-12-26 08:31

Unlock the full potential of your website with our cutting-edge SEO optimization services. We understand that in the digital landscape, SEO is king, and content is queen. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of solutions to help you maximize your online visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website. From redirecting links to avoid 404 error pages to creating unique SEO-optimized links, our services are designed to enhance your website’s performance and attract the attention of search engines. With our expertise, you can take your SEO strategy to new heights and stay ahead of the competition.

Tired of losing potential customers due to broken links? Our link redirection feature ensures that every visitor lands on the right page, eliminating frustrating 404 error pages. By seamlessly redirecting links, we enhance the user experience and keep visitors engaged with your content. Plus, search engines love websites that are well-maintained and error-free, which can boost your search engine rankings. With our service, you can ensure that your website provides a seamless browsing experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased conversions.

Don’t let your website get lost in the vast ocean of online content. Our unique and SEO-optimized links are designed to make your website stand out from the crowd. We carefully craft keyword-rich links that align with your target audience’s search queries, helping search engines recognize the relevance and authority of your pages. By leveraging our link optimization techniques, you can significantly improve your search engine visibility, attract organic traffic, and drive qualified leads to your website. Stay one step ahead of your competitors with our powerful link optimization solutions.

Enhancing your website’s SEO goes beyond just optimizing links. With our service, you can take control of your website’s metadata and make it more appealing to search engines. Add descriptions, keywords, and custom titles to your web pages, effectively communicating their content and purpose to search engines. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results, attracting more organic traffic, and reaching your target audience. Additionally, our XML sitemap creation feature ensures that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your website, further boosting your online visibility and driving sustained organic traffic.

Experience the difference our comprehensive SEO optimization services can make for your website. From redirecting links to crafting unique SEO-optimized content, we have the tools and expertise to propel your online presence to new heights. Don’t let your competitors steal the spotlight—join us and let your website shine in the vast digital landscape. Contact us today to get started on your journey to SEO success.

Using the redirect editor is extremely simple you simply type the old link and then write the new link as shown below.
/2022/09/old-post/ http://www.example.com/2023/04/new-post/
/2022/10/new-post/ http://www.example.com/2023/04/newer-post/

After installing, go to Settings > Redirect Editor to configure.

Removed unique link feature and image alt text seo for the time being. These features did not work in previous versions. The attempt to automatically make images blind friendly has been removed, for the time being. We are working on coming up with the best solutions. In no way is trying to make images blind friendly and helpful for SEO legal compliance with the ADA, if that ever occurs that would be a random unintentional side effect that would be on a site by site basis, based on your dataset, which is completely outside of our control.

patches for bugs possibly going all the way back to 1.x, redirect editor feature working better than ever. We are no longer under settings we have our own icon in wp backend menu bar called seo plugin

ASAP patch, fixes previous plugin broken code.

Added in automated image optimization, to try and put the title of your post or the title of your caption to be visible to the blind and deaf community, who use screen readers while also attempting to optimize your SEO. We only do this if your alt tag is blank, it’s of high importance that you fill out your own alt tags, this is last resort.

added in custom titles for posts and pages, seo description and keywords.

Best possible security for the plugin in case your site admin is hacked

fixes inability to see redirect editor due to page being all black.

Now automatically creates unique, seo friendly urls based off the title of the page

you can now add seo descriptions to posts and pages and you don’t need to hit any extra buttons to save your seo description. When you save draft or hit publish the seo description is also published!

Security enhanced in conjunction with Planet Zuda and AI

sped up load time using AI on the existing code

updated form.php and readme

UI for the dev guy, making everything look fabulous! Thanks luciolle24, anyone can contribute.

made the code even better

Made the plugin actually look good with css thanks to luciolle24
Added a new icon by luciolle24.
This is open source, just contact us if you want to contribute.

  1. Redirect editor is easy to use, you just type in the page you want redirected as shown in the example and then put the link to where we are redirecting to. It is the simplest redirect tool for seo and gives an accurate 301 response for WP. The other features help secure your site and currently happen in the background without any interaction, besides activating the plugin.

Modernizing the plugin

Finally we have an icon and banner for the SEO redirect editor!!!!!

Fully removed all security features we’ve found as we are moving on to a new chapter of this application.

Updated the name to SEO redirect editor when you go to choose it.

While we were heavily going over 2.3.8 and 2.3.7 we were focusing on making the best redirect editor possible. We also discussed removing some old code that accidently made it back into the release, which is called a regression and happens all the time. This code was simply features we decided were not needed, so they have been removed in 2.3.9.

Updated fully functioning to be the best redirecct editor on WordPress.

improved redirects!

Added ease to submit xml sitemap to Google Search.
Added tips and tricks newsletter

Made the user interface more accessible

Added SEO feature pointing people to their WordPress generated sitemaps for WP 5.5 and up.

user interface updated, continuing to make this the most user friendly redirect editor ever made.

We did our first update to make the user interface more friendly.

removed code from the old security feature and made it clear this does not do security anymore.f

Per popular demand the security feature was removed. Donate button added.

making cross platform compatible product.

Fixed error!

emergency upgrades

Just basic upgrades.

hat tip @jondaley, we have made it so the program is as smooth and easy to use for all configurations. We are here to help!

A minor issue with configs who still have error logging on in production has been fixed.

Thank you @mika for your valued feedback.
Local css and redundant security measures.

Fixed error with the security scanner continuing to display the results after one scan and not resetting, since you may become vulnerable later on.
Made it 100 percent crystal clear how our software protects the security of your site from hackers.
Improves the quality experience for the redirect editor.

Makes the redirect editor feature easy to see instead of scrolling down. You can now see it immediately in the redirect editor tab.

Improved the redirect editor functionality
Thank you to @paulamann for letting us know when sites running with php errors on, we had a couple errors that were resolved.

Automatically makes your site more secure, just by activating the plugin
headers try and block xss, certain malicious attacks
privacy implemented so it won’t send referrers if you use https and the other site uses http.

Permanent fix to stop IIS issue implemented

Temporary fix to stop an issue occuring with CGI and IIS sites where they crashed due to an error.

complete codebase rewrite!
new security features
check to see if your site is secure for free with the website security scanner, much like an anti-virus for free.
find out how your site can be hacked and what you need to do to stop it (premium)
higher priority responses to support questions and feature requests to premium members

a patch for an error


Improved our plugin not interfering with the way your site looks.
Improved description of software.
improved descriptions in the code commnets of functionalities, why old code that we adopted is written funky, how our fixes handle things and other code documentation that is very important to any dev using the software.

a few sites had issue with new security feature. Here is our solution to that problem

new security feature

The security features working far better
Redirect editor should be improved, which should help those who have asked for improvements for site redirects to external domains.

made admin side redirects less strict due to application purposes.
corrected bugs

deletes readme.html and deletes license.txt.
attempts to block install.php and wp-config.php. We do not hide wp-content/uploads/ as some people have legitimate reasons to going there.
Expect more updates soon, including a popular request for the redirect editor feature.

Hides license.txt, hides install.php readme.html, hides wp-config.php, hides wp-content/uploads/. All important areas of WordPress that need to be hidden.

Very important update! We accidentally removed the form functionality in version 1.6.1 by accident. We deeply apologize. 1.6.2 has patched that.

  • removed access to windows live writer, really simply discovery among others for logged out users.
  • Anyone logged in as contributor or higher can use windows live writer, RSD, etc. This does not impact anyone who uses third party writing tools as long as they login.
  • Updated code to block wp-config from attackers, thanks to some friends who work for Sucuri. Cheers!
  • more features coming in 1.7 for security. Coming soon!
  • More updated code.

deny attackers access to wp-config

  • Fixing an error in the redirect process that caused issues for a few sites.

Update wasn’t part of our planned release schedule, but due to a report by @awestbha we fixed an issue affecting sites with logged in users that didn’t allow redirects if you were already logged in.

latest WP version along with some changes to the app. Since this is adopted code, we did change wp_redirect to wp_safe_redirect.
This is the last 1.4.x update you should expect before 1.5 is released.

Improved code and updated description of plugin. Expect more updates from https://planetzuda.com .


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