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WordPress 3.1的新功能(功能)
2024-12-29 01:01

Not too long ago, we were talking about WordPress 3.0, but from the looks of the development track, we are on our way to WordPress 3.1. From the scope, it looks like the new version will be out sometime in mid December 2010. There are some very exciting features that will be added, so lets get right on it.

WordPress 3.1的新功能(功能)

不久之前,我们谈论的是WordPress 3.0 ,但是从开发轨道的角度来看,我们正朝着WordPress 3.1迈进。 从范围上看,新版本似乎将于2010年12月中旬发布。其中将添加一些非常令人兴奋的功能,因此,让我们开始吧。

WordPress 3.1功能 (WordPress 3.1 Features)

Feature freeze is on October 15th, so by no means the features we listed below are finalized. New features can be added in the meantime, and some features may not be added. But here is the general scope of what is coming:

功能冻结于10月15日完成,因此我们最终列出的功能决不会最终确定。 在此期间,可以添加新功能,而某些功能可能无法添加。 但是这是即将发生的事情的一般范围

内部连结 (Internal Linking)

This is one of the Most WANTED features for this 3.1 release. We all know how important internal linking is for WordPress SEO. This new feature will allow users to search through their existing blog posts and add links in the content. A button would be included in the post write panel, just like external link one, where you will see a popup like the media inclusion button. It will allow you to search for posts, or browse a list of existing content by title, date, author etc, and select it for inclusion. It would allow you to enter the text you wanted linked, or would use the post title by default, maybe. (Very Excited for this New Feature)

这是此3.1版本最需要的功能之一。 我们都知道内部链接对WordPress SEO的重要性。 这项新功能将允许用户搜索他们现有的博客文章,并在内容中添加链接。 就像外部链接一个一样,一个按钮将包含在写后面板中,您将在其中看到类似媒体包含按钮的弹出窗口。 它将允许您搜索帖子,或按标题,日期,作者等浏览现有内容的列表,然后选择要包含的内容。 它将允许您输入要链接的文本,或者默认情况下使用帖子标题。 (对此新功能感到非常兴奋)

管理栏 (Admin Bar)

If you have used a WordPress.com blog, then you are already familiar with this. In WordPress 3.1, an administration bar will be added to connect the back end to the front end of your blog. This feature will be most useful for people on multisite installs, but it will be useful for single-site users also because it provides 1-click access to dashboard, new post form, etc. This will be heavily inspired from WordPress.com revised admin bar and the original Viper007Bond admin bar plugin. According to Matt Mullenweg, this is the “first step toward a front-end editor”.

如果您使用了WordPress.com博客,那么您已经对此很熟悉。 在WordPress 3.1中,将添加一个管理栏,以将博客的后端连接到前端。 此功能对多站点安装人员最有用,但对单站点用户也有用,因为它提供了对仪表板,新帖子表格等的一键式访问。这将极大地受到WordPress.com修订版管理员的启发栏和原始的Viper007Bond管理栏插件。 根据Matt Mullenweg的说法,这是“迈向前端编辑器的第一步”。

注意:核心而不是插件存在一些阻力。 讨论了使其可选的折衷方案。 因此,很可能需要通过您主题的functions.php文件激活它(这是我们的猜测)。 随着此版本的临近,我们将及时通知您。

Ajaxified管理屏幕 (Ajaxified Admin Screens)

This was part of WordPress Google Summer of Code 2010 project done by “scribu”. The idea of this feature is to enable sorting on most columns and ajaxify sorting, searching, and pagination. It also introduces a new pagination style for edit.php pages in the wp backend. For example on your edit posts page when you have tons of post, the pagination requires a few clicks to get to page 10. This new version will make it easier. Jane Wells referred to it as a Hulu-style pagination. The idea is that you will be able to enter the page number in the field, and that page will be loaded rather than clicking through the pagination arrows.

这是“ scribu”完成的WordPress Google Summer of Code 2010项目的一部分。 此功能的想法是启用大多数列的排序并合并排序,搜索和分页。 它还为wp后端中的edit.php页面引入了新的分页样式。 例如,在编辑帖子页面上,当您有大量帖子时,分页只需单击几下即可进入第10页。此新版本将使其变得更容易。 简·威尔斯(Jane Wells)将其称为“葫芦式”分页。 这个想法是,您将能够在字段中输入页码,并且该页面将被加载,而不是单击分页箭头。

单独的网络仪表板 (Separate Network Dashboard)

Currently, the multi-site dashboard is messy and confusing. This new feature is going to separate the network dashboard from the site dashboard. An option to create a personal dashboard to replace the global dashboard for those users who have an account but no site in multi-site was considered as well. This feature can be postponed to WordPress 3.2 due to the complex and time-consuming nature.

当前,多站点仪表板杂乱且令人困惑。 这项新功能将网络仪表板与站点仪表板分开。 还考虑了创建个人仪表板的选项,以代替拥有帐户但在多站点中没有站点的那些用户的全局仪表板。 由于复杂且耗时的特性,此功能可以推迟到WordPress 3.2。

快速印刷模板标签 (Quick Press Template Tag)

In your WordPress dashboard, there is an awesome little section for Quick Posting also known as Quick Press. This new template tag will allow it to be used on the front-end of your site for making quick posts. It would be a neat feature to have for logged in editors.

在您的WordPress仪表板中,有一个很棒的快速发布小节,也称为快速新闻。 这个新的模板标记将使它可以在您网站的前端使用,以进行快速发布。 对于登录的编辑者来说,这将是一个整洁的功能。

改进的用于搜索和浏览已安装主题的UI (Improved UI for Searching and Browsing Installed Themes)

The goal is to swipe the current user-interface (UI) with the WordPress.com interface as it is much more user-friendly. It would be very useful for sites that have a lot of installed themes specially Multi-Site users that generally tends to have tons of themes installed.

我们的目标是使用WordPress.com界面滑动当前用户界面(UI),因为它更加用户友好。 这对于具有大量已安装主题的网站(特别是通常倾向于安装大量主题的Multi-Site用户)非常有用。

帖子模板/帖子样式 (Post Templates / Post Styles)

With WordPress becoming more of a CMS, this is a much needed feature that will be released in WordPress 3.1. It would allow designers / developers to create custom post templates and styles. The goal of this feature is to allow denoting a post as a certain style/type/kind. Some example styles are aside, gallery, link, quote. This will allow themes to style these posts accordingly. This idea is similar to sticky posts, but taking it to a further level because now you can have numerous uniquely styled posts. Below is the example UI, but again this is not the finalized image. This is just how it can look in WordPress 3.1.

随着WordPress越来越成为CMS,这是一个非常需要的功能,它将在WordPress 3.1中发布。 这将允许设计师/开发人员创建自定义帖子模板和样式。 此功能的目标是允许将帖子表示为某种样式/类型/种类。 一些示例样式为一旁,图库,链接,报价。 这将允许主题相应地设置这些帖子的样式。 这个想法类似于粘性帖子,但是将其带到了一个新的高度,因为现在您可以拥有众多风格独特的帖子。 以下是示例UI,但这再次不是最终图像。 这就是它在WordPress 3.1中的外观。

这不是针对初学者的,但我们认为开发人员对此会感到高兴。 此功能将创建一种更简单的方式来运行高级查询。 例如,目前没有办法要求“汽车”类别中的帖子,但缺少“ BMW”标签。 这导致用户创建复杂的类别系统来模拟多个分类法。 对于希望将WordPress推向极限之外的开发人员,这将使帖子和其他帖子类型的分类变得非常容易。

保养 (Maintenance)

Like always, there will be bug fixes and improvements to the interface. Also, there will be some small fixes to the Custom Post Types API. A special note: This will be the last version to support PHP 4. WordPress 3.2 will only support PHP 5.2 and above only. If your host is not using PHP 5.2, now would be a good time to start bugging them about it. If you don’t know which version of PHP your host is using, then you can download the plugin called Health Check. This plugin will let you know what version of PHP your host is running on.

像往常一样,将对界面进行错误修复和改进。 此外,“自定义帖子类型” API也会有一些小的修复。 特别说明:这将是支持PHP 4的最新版本。WordPress 3.2仅支持PHP 5.2及更高版本。 如果您的主机未使用PHP 5.2,则现在是对它们进行调试的好时机。 如果您不知道主机使用的是哪个版本PHP,则可以下载名为Health Check的插件。 该插件将使您知道您的主机正在运行PHP版本。

WordPress 3.1的时间表 (Schedule of WordPress 3.1)

WordPress 3.1 is planned to be released by mid-December, preferably no later than December 15th, so that the holidays does not interfere with the release. The dates look like this:

WordPress 3.1计划于12月中旬发布,最好不迟于12月15日发布,以使假期不会干扰发布。 日期看起来像这样

October 15 – Feature freeze; no new features added after this point, so that testing can begin on a stable-ish product (including usabilty testing of new features).

10月15日–功能冻结; 此后没有添加任何新功能,因此可以在稳定的产品上开始测试(包括对新功能的可用性测试)。

November 1 – Primary code freeze; any last adjustments based on testing after feature freeze should be finished by now and the focus shifts to fixing bugs to get to a stable beta.

11月1日–主代码冻结; 在冻结功能后基于测试的所有最后调整都应立即完成,重点将转移到修复错误以达到稳定的beta上。

November 15 – Beta period beings; from this point on, no more enhancements, only bug fixes.

11月15日– Beta期众生; 从那时起,不再进行任何增强,仅修复错误。

December 1 – String freeze; translators rejoice.

12月1日–字符串冻结; 译者欣喜。

December 15 – Release WordPress 3.1

12月15日–发布WordPress 3.1

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