
   日期:2024-11-07     作者:caijiyuan       评论:0    移动:

​​谷歌公布了“2022年全球热搜榜”。榜单结果显示,一款简单的英文拼字游戏《Wordle》高居榜首,成为了2022年搜索量最高的词汇,一举超越了“世界杯”和“iPhone 14”等热门搜索关键词。



《Wordle》是一款简单的英文拼字游戏,玩家需要用6次机会,猜出一组由五个字母组成的英文单词,如world和realm等。谷歌趋势(Google Trends)数据团队负责人西蒙·罗杰斯(Simon Rogers)在接受媒体采访时表示:“每个人都为这款游戏着迷,从数据中就看出这一点。”




Google's Year in Search 2022 rounds up top 10 trending games, TV shows and movies in Singapore




As the year comes to a closefestivities are in order. The celebration over at Google, however, takes on a different form, with trending searches serving as an annual cap-off.




1.come to a close 渐进结束;临终

Eg:The conference will come to a close this afternoon. 今天下午会议闭幕。



2.Festivity/feˈstɪvəti/ n. 1) ( festivities ) [ pl. ] the activities that are organized to celebrate a special event 庆祝活动


2) [ U ] the happiness and enjoyment that exist when people celebrate sth 欢庆;欢乐

例:The wedding was an occasion of great festivity. 这个婚礼是喜庆盛事。



3.In order 整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好

Eg:Reforms are clearly in order. 改革显然是顺理成章的。



Now that 2023 is less than a month away, Google has revealed the top 10 trending terms for 2022, which span various categories, such as games, TV shows, and movies.

现在距离 2023 年还有不到一个月的时间,谷歌公布了 2022 年的十大热门词汇,涵盖游戏、电视节目和电影等多个类别。



4.span/spæn/ 此处作动词,作动词可表示1) to last all through a period of time or to cover the whole of it 持续;贯穿

例:His acting career spanned 55 years. 他的演艺生涯长达55年。


2) to include a large area or a lot of things 包括(广大地区);涵盖(多项内容)

例:The operation, which spanned nine countries, resulted in 200 arrests. 这次行动涉及九个国家,逮捕了200人。


3) to stretch right across sth, from one side to the other 横跨;跨越


例:a series of bridges spanning the river 架在河上的一系列桥梁


作名词表示1) the length of time that sth lasts or is able to continue 持续时间

例:I worked with him over a span of six years. 我和他共事达六年之久。


2) ~ (of sth) a range or variety of sth 范围;包括的种类

例:Managers have a wide span of control. 经理的职权范围很大。


3) the part of a bridge or an arch between one vertical support and another (桥或拱的)墩距,跨距,跨度

例:The bridge crosses the river in a single span. 河上的桥为单跨桥。


4) the width of sth from one side to the other 宽度;翼展

例:The kite has a span of 1.5 metres. 风筝宽1.5米。



Closer to home, the findings make for an interesting study. The list for Singapore does share some overlapping names with the US side of things, but it also unveiled some unexpected entries in each group.




5.closer to home 言归正传



The category of TV shows, in particular, presented the biggest disparity between the viewing preferences of Western and Singaporean audiences, with the latter highlighting a skew towards Korean dramas.




6.Disparity/dɪˈspærəti/ n.a difference, especially one connected with unfair treatment (尤指因不公正对待引起的)不同,不等,差异,悬殊

例:the wide disparity between rich and poor 贫富悬殊



7.askew/əˈskjuː/ adj&adv.not in a straight or level position 歪;斜

例:His glasses had been knocked askew by the blow. 他的眼镜一下子被打歪了。

例:Her hat was slightly askew. 她的帽子戴得有点斜。



Here's what Google's Year in Search for 2022 revealed about the common shared interests of the local geek landscape.

以下是 Google 的 2022 年度热搜榜揭示了当地极客群体的共同兴趣。



8.landscape 作名词表示1) [ C usually sing. ] everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country (陆上,尤指乡村的)风景,景色

例:the bleak/rugged/dramatic, etc. landscape of the area 那个地区荒芜的景观、崎岖的地貌、引人入胜的风光等

例:an urban/industrial landscape 都市╱工业景观


2) a painting of a view of the countryside; this style of painting 乡村风景画;乡村风景画的风格

例:an artist famous for his landscapes 以风景画闻名的画家


3) [ U ] the way of printing a document in which the top of the page is one of the longer sides (文件的)横向打印格式

例:Select the landscape option when printing the file. 打印文件时应选择横向打印格式选项。



Top 10 trending games

Wordle 《单词》

Lost Ark 《失落的方舟》

The International 2022 《国际 2022》

Overwatch 2 《守望先锋2》

Tower of Fantasy 《幻想之塔》

Elden Ring 《埃尔登之戒》

Mental Age Test 《智力年龄测试》

Diablo Immortal 《暗黑破坏神不朽》

Pokemon Arceus 《精灵宝可梦阿尔宙斯》

Stray 《流浪》



As expected, Wordle is the undisputed gaming pick of the year. The word-guessing phenomenon took the world by storm with its simple-yet-challenging and addictive mechanics, which not only attracted puzzle enthusiasts, but even the casual audience.

正如预期的那样,Wordle 是无可争议的年度游戏选择。猜词现象以其简单但具有挑战性且令人上瘾的机制风靡全球,不仅吸引了拼图爱好者,甚至吸引了普通观众。



9.Undisputed adj. 1) that cannot be questioned or proved to be false; that cannot be disputed 不容置疑的;毫无疑问的;不可争辩的

例:undisputed facts 不容置疑的事实


2) that everyone accepts or recognizes 广为接受的;公认的

例:the undisputed champion of the world 公认的世界冠军



10.Addictive adj. 1) if a drug is addictive , it makes people unable to stop taking it 使人上瘾的

例:Heroin is highly addictive. 海洛因很容易使人上瘾。  


2) if an activity or type of behaviour is addictive , people need to do it as often as possible because they enjoy it 使人入迷的

例:I find jogging very addictive. 我觉得慢跑锻炼很使人着迷。



11.mechanic/məˈkænɪk/ n. 1) a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles 机械师;机械修理工;技工

例:a car mechanic 汽车修理工


2) ( mechanics ) [ U ] the science of movement and force 力学


3) ( mechanics ) [ U ] the practical study of machinery 机械学

例:the school's car maintenance department where students learn basic mechanics 该校学生可以学习基础机械学的汽车保养系


4) ( the mechanics ) [ pl. ] the way sth works or is done 方法;手段

例:The exact mechanics of how payment will be made will be decided later. 确切的付款方法以后再作决定。



The International (TI) 2022, Tower of Fantasy, and Diablo Immortal aren't all that surprising — TI, the biggest Dota 2 esports tournament, was held right here in Singapore, while Tower of Fantasy and Diablo Immortal belong to the mobile game market, which has a big local scene following.

国际 (TI) 2022、梦幻之塔和暗黑破坏神不朽并不令人意外——最大的 Dota 2 电子竞技锦标赛 TI 就在新加坡举行,而梦幻之塔和暗黑破坏神不朽属于手游市场,它有一个很大的本地场景。



Surprisingly, Genshin Impact didn't make the cut here.

令人惊讶的是,Genshin Impact 并没有在这里晋级。



12.make the cut 达到标准,打折扣;(高尔夫)(四场制赛)取得进入后两场比赛资格



Overwatch 2, Lost Ark, and Elden Ring, all trending terms on the US list, have also found their place among the top 10, although Overwatch 2 ranked a lot higher than expected.

《守望先锋 2》、《失落的方舟》和《Elden Ring》这些美国榜单上的热门词也跻身前 10 名,尽管《守望先锋 2》的排名比预期高很多。



God of War Ragnarok, another heavy hitter, is missing from the list, with the 'Mental Age Test' search result surfacing as the biggest bombshell.

另一款重量级游戏《诸神黄昏》(God of War Ragnarok) 没有出现在榜单中,“心理年龄测试”搜索结果成为最大的重磅炸弹。



13.bombshell n. 1) an event or a piece of news which is unexpected and usually unpleasant 出乎意料的事情,意外消息(常指不幸)

例:The news of his death came as a bombshell. 他去世的消息令人震惊。


2) ( a blond(e) bombshell ) a very attractive woman with blonde hair 金发美女



Top 10 trending TV shows

All of Us Are Dead 《我们都死了》

Single's Inferno 《单身的地狱》

Business Proposal 《商业提案》

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 《非凡的吴律师》

Manifest 《显现》

Moon Knight 《月亮骑士》

Stranger Things 《陌生事物》

Euphoria 《亢奋》

Alchemy of Souls 《灵魂炼金术》

Inventing Anna 《发明安娜》



While interest levels for Western and Korean titles are split fairly evenly, there seems to be a general inclination towards the latter, most of which rank higher on the list.




14.Evenly adv. 1) in a smooth, regular or equal way 平滑地;有规律地;均匀地;相等地

例:Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly. 要确保油漆均匀地涂在表面上。


2) with equal amounts for each person or in each place 平均地;均等地

例:evenly distributed/divided 平均分布/分配

例:The two teams are very evenly matched (= are equally likely to win). 这两个队势均力敌。


3) calmly; without showing any emotion 平静地;镇静地;平和地

例:‘I warned you not to phone me,’ he said evenly. “我告诫过你不要给我打电话。”他平静地说。



15.inclination/ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 1) ~ (to do sth) | ~ (towards/for sth) a feeling that makes you want to do sth 倾向;意愿

例:He did not show the slightest inclination to leave. 他丝毫没有表现出要离开的意思。


2) [ C ] ~ to do sth a tendency to do sth 趋向;趋势

例:There is an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject. 有一种趋向认为地理是一门次要的学科。  


3) [ C usually sing. U ] a degree of sloping 倾斜度

例:an inclination of 45° 45°的倾斜度


4) [ C ] a small downward movement, usually of the head 向下的轻微动作;(通常指)点头



The top four are all Korean shows, with the likes of Manifest, Moon Knight, Stranger Things, Euphoria, and Inventing Anna emerging as the top trends on the Western front.

前四名都是韩剧,《Manifest》、《Moon Knight》、《Stranger Things》、《Euphoria》和《Inventing Anna》等剧集成为西方最热门的剧集。



Manifest, in particular, is a surprise entry, beating out other popular picks that include House of the Dragon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.




In fact, the supernatural series isn't even ranked among the US data, so its rise in the local scene is certainly intriguing.




16.intriguing/ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/ adj.very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer 非常有趣的;引人入胜的;神秘的

例:These discoveries raise intriguing questions. 这些发现带来了非常有趣的问题。



Top 10 trending movies

Thor: Love and Thunder 《雷神:爱与雷霆》

Black Adam 《黑亚当》

Top Gun: Maverick 《壮志凌云:特立独行》

Jurassic World Dominion 《侏罗纪世界统治》

Everything Everywhere All at Once 《一切无处不在》

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness 《奇异博士与疯狂多元宇宙》

The Batman 《蝙蝠侠》

Incantation 《咒语》

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 《黑豹:永远的瓦坎达》

Ah Girls Go Army 《啊女孩去军队》



Well, will you look at that! Singaporean director Jack Neo's Ah Girls Go Army has broken into the top 10, which calls for a celebration of the local pride.




Most of the trending titles cross over to the US list as well, with Encanto, Turning Red, and Morbius missing out a spot here.

大多数热门游戏也进入了美国榜单,Encanto、Turning Red 和 Morbius 在这里错过了一个位置。



Black Adam is ranked a lot higher as compared to the US market, but credit should be given to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever for even securing a place on the list, especially since it was released in theatres only a month ago.




There you go — 2022 in recap, conveyed through Google Search trends. As always, comparing notes between local and Western preferences has resulted in some unexpected findings, and we continue to see that reflected in this year's data.

好了——2022 年回顾,通过 Google 搜索趋势传达。与往常一样,比较本地和西方偏好之间的注释会产生一些意想不到的发现,我们将继续在今年的数据中看到这一点。



17.recap 作动词表示~ (on sth) | ~ sth

例:Let me just recap on what we've decided so far. 让我来概括一下到目前为止我们所作的决定吧。





For those who are curious about the other categories, the official Google Trends website has consolidated the information for select countries or regions all at one place.

对于那些对其他类别感到好奇的人,Google 趋势官方网站已将选定国家或地区的信息集中在一个地方。



18.consolidate/kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/ v. 1) to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue 使加强;使巩固

例:With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country's leading director. 他新执导的影片巩固了他作为全国最佳导演的地位。


2) to join things together into one; to be joined into one (使)结成一体,合并

例:All the debts have been consolidated. 所有债项均已合并。 

例:consolidated accounts 合并账目



Onward to 2023!

迈向 2023 年!



19.Onward adj(also adv).continuing or moving forward 继续的;向前的

例:Ticket prices include your flight and onward rail journey. 票价包括您的飞行航程和接续的铁路旅费。








Google's Year in Search 2022 rounds up top 10 trending games, TV shows and movies in Singapore




As the year comes to a close, festivities are in order. The celebration over at Google, however, takes on a different form, with trending searches serving as an annual cap-off.


Now that 2023 is less than a month away, Google has revealed the top 10 trending terms for 2022, which span various categories, such as games, TV shows, and movies.


Closer to home, the findings make for an interesting study. The list for Singapore does share some overlapping names with the US side of things, but it also unveiled some unexpected entries in each group.


The category of TV shows, in particular, presented the biggest disparity between the viewing preferences of Western and Singaporean audiences, with the latter highlighting a skew towards Korean dramas.


Here's what Google's Year in Search for 2022 revealed about the common shared interests of the local geek landscape.


Top 10 trending games


Lost Ark

The International 2022

Overwatch 2

Tower of Fantasy

Elden Ring

Mental Age Test

Diablo Immortal

Pokemon Arceus



As expected, Wordle is the undisputed gaming pick of the year. The word-guessing phenomenon took the world by storm with its simple-yet-challenging and addictive mechanics, which not only attracted puzzle enthusiasts, but even the casual audience.


The International (TI) 2022, Tower of Fantasy, and Diablo Immortal aren't all that surprising — TI, the biggest Dota 2 esports tournament, was held right here in Singapore, while Tower of Fantasy and Diablo Immortal belong to the mobile game market, which has a big local scene following.


Surprisingly, Genshin Impact didn't make the cut here.


Overwatch 2, Lost Ark, and Elden Ring, all trending terms on the US list, have also found their place among the top 10, although Overwatch 2 ranked a lot higher than expected.


God of War Ragnarok, another heavy hitter, is missing from the list, with the 'Mental Age Test' search result surfacing as the biggest bombshell.


Top 10 trending TV shows

All of Us Are Dead

Single's Inferno

Business Proposal

Extraordinary Attorney Woo


Moon Knight

Stranger Things


Alchemy of Souls

Inventing Anna


While interest levels for Western and Korean titles are split fairly evenly, there seems to be a general inclination towards the latter, most of which rank higher on the list.


The top four are all Korean shows, with the likes of Manifest, Moon Knight, Stranger Things, Euphoria, and Inventing Anna emerging as the top trends on the Western front.


Manifest, in particular, is a surprise entry, beating out other popular picks that include House of the Dragon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.


In fact, the supernatural series isn't even ranked among the US data, so its rise in the local scene is certainly intriguing.


Top 10 trending movies

Thor: Love and Thunder

Black Adam

Top Gun: Maverick

Jurassic World Dominion

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness

The Batman


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Ah Girls Go Army


Well, will you look at that! Singaporean director Jack Neo's Ah Girls Go Army has broken into the top 10, which calls for a celebration of the local pride.


Most of the trending titles cross over to the US list as well, with Encanto, Turning Red, and Morbius missing out a spot here.


Black Adam is ranked a lot higher as compared to the US market, but credit should be given to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever for even securing a place on the list, especially since it was released in theatres only a month ago.


There you go — 2022 in recap, conveyed through Google Search trends. As always, comparing notes between local and Western preferences has resulted in some unexpected findings, and we continue to see that reflected in this year's data.


For those who are curious about the other categories, the official Google Trends website has consolidated the information for select countries or regions all at one place.


onward to 2023!




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