If you want to stay on track to:
-Work out/go to the gym
-Lose weight
-Improve study habits
Habit Droid can help!
Non-daily habits are the most difficult to stick with, because it is difficult to get into a rhythm of enforcing them. Habit Droid is a tool to help you stick with these habits.
Staying on Track
1. Tell Habit Droid on what days of the week you wish to enforce your habits. I.e. Hit the gym every weekday.
2. Optionally tell Habit Droid at what time you wish to enforce this habit every day.
Habit Droid:
1. Shows you (in a home-screen widget or in the app) what you need to do on any particular day.
2. Reminds you when it is time to enforce a given habit!
Checking Your Progress
1. Whenever you enforce a Habit, check it off in Habit Droid in the "Enforce" tab! Optionally add notes!
- If you forget to check it off on a given day, you can check it off retroactively in the "History" tab
2. To check your progress over the previous 16 week period, navigate to the "History" tab.
X-axis: Each tick represents a week in time.
Y-axis: The height of each line represents the percentage of times you enforced a given habit over each week.
*Habts to be enforced up to once a day, and no rarer than weekly.*
*App reinforces/tracks habits. It's not magic habit powder*