a secure, reliable, equitable, and transparent ecosystem for the research, development and application of AI technologies
鼓励引导人工智能等新技术新应用坚持“以人为本 智能向善”,培育安全、可靠、公平、透明的人工智能技术研发和应用生态,持续深化在技术标准、伦理准则、法律法规方面的国际交流合作,推动形成具有广泛共识的全球人工智能治理体系;
Encourage and guide the development of new technologies and applications such as AI to uphold a people-centered approach and develop for good. Cultivate a secure, reliable, equitable, and transparent ecosystem for the research, development and application of AI technologies, continuously deepen international exchanges and cooperation in technical standards, ethical guidelines, laws, and regulations, and promote the formation of a global AI governance system based on broad consensus;
an open, fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory digital business environment
Jointly create an open, fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory digital business environment, actively maintain the openness, security, and stability of the supply chain for global information technology products and services, provide environmental support for the fair, healthy, and inclusive development of the digital economy, offer more market, investment, and development opportunities for companies of all countries, and inject sustained impetus for world economic growth.