
   日期:2024-12-28    作者:cchg201108 移动:http://oml01z.riyuangf.com/mobile/quote/76660.html

作为企业家或创新者,您知道好主意是稀有且对时间敏感的。 这就是为什么您可能没有时间等待数周甚至数月来启动广告系列或企业网站的原因。 幸运的是,一些伟大的技术专家设计了WordPress网站构建器,这些构建器甚至可以将最初级的Internet用户在几天甚至几小时内带到专业的网站建设者手中。


Much like WordPress themes, builders are in great abundance and vary even more so in quality. Which is why this article aims to dissect the five best WordPress website builders and outline how you can use them to build an elegant, custom, and fully functioning website fast.

就像WordPress主题一样,构建者数量众多,而且质量差异更大。 这就是为什么本文旨在剖析五个最佳的WordPress网站构建器并概述如何使用它们快速构建一个优雅,自定义且功能齐全的网站。

Divi is arguably the most popular WordPress builder on the market right now. With their attractive design and impressive range of features, it is no surprise it has made the list. But at its core what makes it so attractive?

一些WordPress建设者是基于插件的,而其他则是基于主题的。 Divi是基于主题的,这意味着您可以以WordPress的价格获得一个主题,并以一个价格获得一个生成器。

Divi comes with a multitude of layouts and as such can range from being an eCommerce store, an agency website, a photography portfolio, a blog, a news site, and more. It can be just about anything you can dream up.

Divi具有多种布局,因此可以包括电子商务商店,代理商网站,摄影作品集,博客,新闻网站等。 它可以是您梦can以求的一切。

The Divi Builder has a great UX which makes it easy to navigate and straightforward to use. You would create a page like you normally do, but instead of opening the editor to start messing with HTML and CSS you would click the big purple button aptly labeled “Use The Divi Builder”.

使用Divi Builder构建的网站

Layers is another plugin based WordPress builder that employs drag-and-drop functionality making it ideal for maximum customization and a user-friendly experience. The creators of Layers sought to create a builder so intuitive that you would be a “pro” the first time you used it. Beyond the obvious, why does Layers stand out in the crowded WordPress builder space?


Layers makes it easy and affordable to get up and running quickly with their low-cost themes. Combine one of their themes with their free builder and you have the recipe for a truly great website. To gain even further functionality, you have to spend roughly twice the price for their Layers Pro package which gives you premium options like resizing your logo, sticky headers, greater color customization, and more (see below).

使用Layers Builder构建的网站

If you’re ready for alluring (like the site above), highly customizable, and arguably the most user-friendly theme on the market then check out the Layers theme.

SiteOrigin的Page Builder是WordPress页面构建者的另一个人群喜爱,理所当然的。 这是一个基于插件的构建器,在市场上有免费选项供您选择,它拥有各种各样的小部件,您可以将其拖放以完全自定义您的网站。

The work area in Page Builder isn’t the most visually appealing of the options outlined in this article, but that is by design. The plugin itself utilizes an SEO friendly code that is lightweight and won’t weigh down your site’s speed or search engine rankings with unnecessary visual effects in the builder itself.

最后但同样重要的是,我们拥有Visual Composer,这是市场上最畅销的WordPress页面构建器。 它们拥有超过200万的下载量,并且具有令人印象深刻的成就和功能列表。 那么,Visual Composer有什么大不了的呢

  • They offer a front-end and back-end page builder that is intuitive and requires no programming knowledge to build stunning WordPress sites. 他们提供了一个直观的前端和后端页面构建器,不需要任何编程知识即可构建出色的WordPress网站。
  • It works on literally any WordPress theme. 它可用于几乎所有WordPress主题。
  • A Skin Builder comes standard so you can match all your sites colors with your brand. Skin Builder是标准配置,因此您可以将所有网站颜色与您的品牌进行匹配。
  • An extensive library of content elements, add-ons, and templates to make customization fast and straightforward. 内容元素,附加组件和模板的广泛库,使自定义快速而直接。

When creating or editing any page, you can choose the classic mode which opens the back-end editor or choose the front-end editor to see changes as your visitors would see them on your live site.

成为排名第一的WordPress构建器插件并非易事,正如我们在本文中所看到的,Visual Composer面临着激烈的竞争。 如果您厌倦了在高级主题上花钱,那么Visual Composer可能是您的救星。 观看演示或免费试用Visual Composer 。

If you need reliable hosting with an integrated site building solution, check out our partner SiteGround. They provide managed WordPress hosting with a free drag and drop site builder, and their plans are now up to 65% off for SitePoint users.

如果您需要通过集成的站点构建解决方案进行可靠的托管,请查看我们的合作伙伴SiteGround 。 他们为托管的WordPress托管提供免费的拖放式站点构建器,并且他们的计划现在对SitePoint用户的折扣高达65%。

Which page builder are you going to try? Tell us in the comments below.

您要尝试使用哪个页面构建器 在下面的评论中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-best-wordpress-site-builders-for-the-technically-challenged/


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