400 | UnsupportedSuffix.OSSObject | The specified OSS object suffix is not supported. | 不支持指定的OSS对象后缀。 |
400 | MissingParameter | An input parameter "RegionId" that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied. | - |
400 | MissingParameter | An input parameter "DiskDeviceMapping.1.OSSBucket" that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied. | - |
400 | MissingParameter | An input parameter "DiskDeviceMapping.1.OSSObject" that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied. | - |
400 | InvalidImageName.Malformed | The specified Image name is wrongly formed. | 镜像名称格式错误。长度为2~128个字符。必须以大小字母或中文开头,不能以aliyun和acs:开头,不能包含http://或者https://。可以包含数字、半角句号(.)、半角冒号(:)、下划线(_)或者短划线(-)。 |
400 | InvalidOSSObject.Malformed | The specified OSS object is wrongly formed. | 指定的 OSS Object 不合法。 |
400 | InvalidOSSBucket.Malformed | The specified OSS bucket is wrongly formed. | - |
400 | InvalidOSSObject.Size | The specified OSS object size is zero. | - |
400 | InvalidDescription.Malformed | The specified Image description is wrongly formed. | 镜像描述格式错误。 |
400 | InvalidArchitecture.Malformed | The specified Architecture is wrongly formed. | 参数 Architecture 格式错误。 |
400 | InvalidPlatform.Malformed | The specified Platform is wrongly formed. | 指定的镜像操作系统发行版不合法。 |
400 | InvalidOSType.Malformed | The specified OSType is wrongly formed. | 格式不对。 |
400 | InvalidImageName.Duplicated | The destination image is exist. | 指定的镜像名已存在。 |
400 | InvalidImageSize | %s | 镜像大小不符合要求。 |
400 | InvalidDataDiskSize | The specified DiskDeviceMapping.N.DiskImSize should be in the specified range. | 指定的 DiskDeviceMapping.N.DiskImSize 超出取值范围。 |
400 | InvalidImageFormat.Malformed | The specified Image Format is wrongly formed. | 指定的镜像格式错误。 |
400 | InvalidRegionId.NotFound | The specified RegionId does not exist. | 指定的地域 ID 不存在。 |
400 | InvalidRegion.NotSupport | The specified region does not support image import or export. | 指定的地域暂时不支持此操作。 |
400 | InvalidOSSBucket.NotFound | The specified OSS bucket does not exist in this region. | 指定的 bucket 不存在。 |
400 | InvalidOSSObject.NotFound | The specified OSS object does not exist in this region. | 指定的 OSS object 不存在。 |
400 | InvalidOSSObject.NeedRestore | The specified OSS object is a archive object, need restore first. | - |
400 | InvalidOSSBucket.NotMatched | The specified OSS bucket is incorrect, %s. | 指定的 OSS Bucket 有误,具体信息请参见错误信息的实际返回结果。 |
400 | InvalidLicenseType.NotSupported | The specified LicenseType is not supported. | - |
400 | InvalidLicenseType.BYOLOnly | Only BYOL LicenseType is supported for the current platform provided. | - |
400 | InvalidOSSBucket.FlowLimit | %s | - |
400 | InvalidImageFormat.RegionNotSupported | The specified image format is not supported in current region. | - |
400 | InvalidBootMode.Malformed | The specified parameter "BootMode" is malformed. | - |
400 | InvalidParameter.DetectionStrategy | The specified parameter DetectionStrategy is invalid. | - |
400 | InvalidBootMode.NotSupport | The specified parameter BootMode is not supported for current image architecture. | 当前的镜像架构不支持设置该启动模式。 |
400 | DRYRUN.SUCCESS | This request is a dryrun request with successful result. | 您设置了预检此次请求,并且检查通过。 |
400 | InvalidClientToken.Malformed | The specified parameter clientToken is not valid. | 指定的幂等参数不合法。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.FeaturesImdsSupport | The specified parameter Features.ImdsSupport is not supported. | 指定的参数Features.ImdsSupport不支持。 |
403 | ImageIsImporting | The specified Image is importing. | 指定镜像正在导入,无法执行操作。 |
403 | QuotaExceed.Image | The Image Quota exceeds. | 自定义镜像额度已用完。 |
403 | ImportImageFailed | Importing image is failed, Please contact the administrator. | 导入镜像失败,请联系系统管理员排查。 |
403 | UserNotInTheWhiteList | The user is not in the white list of importing image. | 用户未被授权导入镜像。 |
403 | NoSetRoletoECSServiceAcount | ECS service account Have no right to access your OSS.please attach a role of access your oss to ECS service account. | ECS 官网服务账号没有权限访问您指定的 OSS 的 bucket 和 Object。 |
403 | InvalidParameter.Malformed | The specified parameter "DiskDeviceMapping.n.Device " is not valid. | - |
403 | MissingParameter.DiskDeviceMapping | The specified parameter DiskDeviceMapping is not supplied. | 参数 DiskDeviceMapping 不能为空。 |
403 | InvalidOSS.NotAuthorized | The specified OSS bucket or object is not allowed to access. | - |
403 | InvalidBlockSize.NotSupport | %s | 不支持镜像文件的分区大小。 |
403 | InvalidImageFormat.Malformed | %s | - |
403 | ImageCheckUnsupported.WindowsImage | Image check is unsupported for windows image. | - |
403 | InvalidVHDImage.IncorrectSize | The specified size of the VHD image does not meet the 'header.MaxTableEntries * header.BlockSize' specification. | 指定的VHD镜像大小不符合 'header.MaxTableEntries * header.BlockSize' 的规范。 |
403 | InvalidOSSBucket.EncryptUnsupported | Accessing objects from encrypted OSS bucket is not supported. | 不支持从加密的OSS bucket读取对象。 |
403 | InvalidArchitecture.PlatformUnsupported | The OS platform you selected does not support the specified architecture. | 您选择的操作系统平台不支持指定的架构类型。 |
403 | InvalidAccountStatus.OSSDisabled | OSS is disabled due to invalid account status. | 由于帐户状态无效,OSS被禁用。 |
403 | InvalidStorageLocation.NotFound | The specified cloud box storage location %s could not be found. | 找不到指定的云盒存储位置。 |
403 | InvalidOperation.CloudBoxImageImportRoleRequired | The role for cloud box image import is not set to the ECS service. | 没有设置用于云盒镜像导入的角色给ECS服务。 |
403 | InvalidOperation.CloudBoxImageImportUnsupported | Importing cloud box images is not supported. | 不支持导入云盒镜像。 |
404 | InvalidResourceGroup.NotFound | The ResourceGroup provided does not exist in our records. | 资源组并不在记录中。 |