Ecosia是针对环境的最佳搜索引擎吗? (Is Ecosia the Best Search Engine For The Environment?)

   日期:2024-12-26    作者:a3mg5 移动:

When it comes to giving money to tree-planting operations, Ecosia doesn’t directly allocate money to local people planting trees all around the world, instead they work with companies like WeForest in Burkina Faso or Brazil-based Copaiba.


Currently, Ecosia finances 21 different tree-planting operations in biodiversity hotspots, which, according to Ecosia, are zones that “face extreme threats, hold at least 1,500 species of endemic plants and have been diminished by at least 70%.”


This means that planting vegetation in these places would have high-impact results. So, when an organization like WeForest receives money from Ecosia, they work with surrounding towns to create tree planting plans that are location specific.

这意味着在这些地方种植植被会产生很大的影响。 因此,当像WeForest这样的组织从Ecosia那里收到资金时,他们会与周围的城镇一起制定针对特定地点的植树计划。

In Burkina Faso, that takes the form of planting native Acacia trees to combat desertification caused by drought.


While in Madagascar, the Ecosia-backed Eden Reforestation Project hires and trains people from local towns to help replenish the mangrove forest estuaries in the Northwest of the country.


All this goes to show that yes, Ecosia is actually planting trees. But the key thing here is that it’s not as simple as a click from your computer translating to a sapling in the ground.

所有这些表明,是的,Ecosia实际上是在植树。 但是这里的关键是,这并不像计算机发出的点击转换为树苗一样简单。

There is a chain of organizations, people, money, and hard work that help make your search on Ecosia transform into a planted tree.


Even if Ecosia is actually converting revenue into trees, does that mean you should use it over a search engine like Google?


In my opinion, yes. If you’re an average web searcher like me, then most of the time Ecosia feels the same as Google.

我认为是的。 如果您像我一样是普通的网络搜索者,那么大多数时候,Ecosia与Google一样。

When it comes down to it, you’re going to have to use a search engine, so why not use one that seeks to plant trees instead of one that owns half of the internet?


That being said there is one problem: Ecosia’s search results and ads are powered by Microsoft’s Bing search engine. So even though Ecosia might be a well-meaning company, you are still using a souped-up Microsoft product when you use Ecosia.

话虽这么说,这里存在一个问题:Ecosia的搜索结果和广告由Microsoft的Bing搜索引擎提供支持。 因此,即使Ecosia可能是一家好公司,当您使用Ecosia时,您仍在使用强大的Microsoft产品。

Considering the fact that Google uses 100% renewable energy to power their data centers while Microsoft Bing only draws 44% of its energy from renewables, Ecosia seems a bit less environmentally friendly.

考虑到Google使用100%可再生能源为数据中心供电的事实,而Microsoft Bing仅从可再生能源中获取其44%的能源,因此Ecosia似乎对环境的友好程度有所降低。

But Microsoft has committed to a 75% reduction in carbon emissions across its whole operation by 2030, and Ecosia’s tree planting projects are essentially carbon negative.


As the 52 million trees they’ve planted mature, the trees will suck in roughly 2.5 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide in their lifetime.


According to Ecosia, every search you make with them takes 1kg of Carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.


So, as Bing switches to a greener grid and Ecosia grows in size, the search engine’s carbon impact will only shrink.


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