功能翻译理论functionalist translation theory
又称“功能目的论”(Skopos theory)。1971年,德国的莱斯(K. Reiss)首先提出“把翻译行为所要达到的特殊目的”作为翻译评价的新模式。1984年她在与费米尔(H. J. Vermeer)合写的General Foundation of Translation Theory一书中声称:译者在整个翻译过程中的参照系不应是“对等”翻译理论所注重的原文及其功能,而应是译文在译语文化环境中所预期达到的一种或若钟交际功能。20世纪90年代初,德国学者克利斯蒂安·诺德(Christiane Nord)进一步拓展了译文功能理论。她强调译文与原文的联系,但这种联系的质量与数量由译文的预期功能确定。这就是说,根据译文语境,原文中的哪些内容或成分可以保留,哪些需调整或改写,该由译文的预期功能确定。
功能目的理论的两项基本原则是:1. 翻译各方面的交互作用受翻译目的所决定;2. 目的随接受对象的不同而变化。按照这两项原则,译者可以为了达到目的而采用任何他自己认为适当的翻译策略。换句话说,目的决定方式(The end justifies the means)。
作为受文化制约的语言符号,原文语篇和译文语篇受到各自交际环境的影响,译文功能与原文功能可相似或保持一致,也可能完全不同。根据不同的语境因素和预期功能,选择最佳的处理方法,这是功能翻译理论比以对等为基础的翻译理论或极端功能主义的翻译理论更为优越之处。翻译功能理论指导下的翻译方法表现出较大的灵活性,较高的科学性和易操作性。Toury 把“功能目的论”看作是“译
Skopos theory (plural Skopos theories)
1.(translation studies) The idea that translating and interpreting
should primarily take into account the function of both the source
and target text.
o1995, Paul Kussmaul, Training The Translator, John
Benjamins Publishing Co, p. 149:
The functional approach has a great affinity with Skopos theory.
The function of a translation is dependent on the knowledge,
expectations, values and norms of the target readers, who are again influenced by the situation they are in and by the culture. These
factors determine whether the function of the source text or
passages in the source text can be preserved or have to be modified or even changed.
Introduction to the Skopos Theory
The Skopos theory is an approach to translation which was put forward by Hans Vemeer and developed in Germany in the late 1970s and which
oriented a more functionally and socioculturally concept of translation. Translation is considered not as a process of translation, but as a specific form of human action. In our mind, translation has a purpose, and the word “Skopos” was from Greek. It’s used as the technical term for the purpose of the translation.
1.Introduction to the Skopos Theory